Wednesday, April 10, 2013

China Glaze Mod Dots

Hey ya'll!  I have a really cute design to share today!  If you follow me on Instagram (see the side bar) or follow Cristina at Let Them Have Polish! or Kelly at Vampy Varnish (@l_t_h_p and @kellyvampyvarnish on Instagram!) then you've already seen this design.  They teamed up for a Wednesday guest post by Cristina on Kelly's blog - and this was the first design she used for that.  See it [here] with a tutorial!  I definitely like the colors she chose for hers better than mine but I chose different ones so it wouldn't be exactly the same.  As a side note - I've been blowing up the blog with some China Glaze lately huh??

def defying fuchsia fanatic tart-y for the party sunday funday recycle
For this design I used a lot of polish... all China Glaze except for the black.  They are:

Tart-y for the Party (lavender)
Sunday Funday (blue)
Fuchsia Fanatic (pink)
Recycle (grey)
Def Defying (green)
Milani Black Swift (I think.)

The thing about this mani is that is looks super complicated and involved, but it's not!  It's so easy, even a beginner could do it... well, a beginner with a fairly steady hand.  Cristina's tutorial explains it all.  I used Seche Vite as usual to dry fast before I taped off my nails to paint the halves.  

def defying fuchsia fanatic tart-y for the party sunday funday recycle

Here is a picture of my base coats before I got started with the nail art.  All of them are gorgeous colors on their own.  

fuchsia fanatic tart-y for the party sunday funday recycle

So who else is going to take a stab at this design?  If you do, tag me on Instagram or Facebook (if we're personal friends... wondering if I should get a Hard Lacquer Facebook page? ... so much to keep up with!)  I usually get bored with my nail are pretty quickly - but I actually enjoyed wearing this one for a few days!

Also - please take a second while you're here and vote in the poll I have in the sidebar!  Thanks!

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